Convert Audio & Video to Text

Transcribe audio and video into precise text in a matter of seconds.

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Transkrypcja pliku lokalnego

Prześlij plik wideo lub audio z urządzenia lokalnego do transkrypcji

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Transkrypcja pliku online

Skopiuj adres URL pliku multimedialnego online z następującej witryny internetowej, aby dokonać transkrypcji

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Convert Audio & Video to Text with Clipto.AI

Clipto.AI offers a cutting-edge solution for converting audio and video files into text with unparalleled speed and precision. With an impressive 99% accuracy rate, transcripts are generated within seconds, revolutionizing the transcription process.

Here are some reasons why Clipto.AI stands out:

Incredible Speed:Thanks to our advanced GPU-driven engine, transcripts are completed within minutes, saving you valuable time.

Massive Upload Capability: TurboScribe supports files up to 6 hours long or 6GB in size, allowing for efficient processing of large amounts of data. Unlimited upload.

Comprehensive Format Support:We accommodate a wide range of file formats including MP3, MP4, MOV, AAC, WAV, OGG, and more, ensuring compatibility with your existing media.

Export Flexibility:Choose from multiple export formats such as DOCX, SRT, VTT, or TXT, providing versatility in how you use and share your transcriptions.

Language Diversity: With support for over 99 languages and built-in translation to 99+ languages, Clipto.AI caters to global communication needs.

Advanced Features:Benefit from speaker recognition technology, enabling clear differentiation in dialogues, making it ideal for interviews and meetings where multiple speakers are involved.

Privacy and Security:We prioritize the confidentiality and security of your data by employing encrypted storage and robust privacy measures.Experience the simplicity and power of Clipto.AI by starting your transcription journey for free today.